Get Involved
To support the activities and operations of the Alliance, we have the following memberships available...
Strategic Members
Strategic members are companies that are invited by the IAMTS Board to hold a board seat, participate in leadership through committee and workgroup leadership positions as well as have 2 general assembly votes.
Strategic members also participate in workgroups and attend IAMTS events at no charge
Core Members
Core members are companies that are invited by the IAMTS Board to participate in leadership through committee and workgroup leadership positions and have 1 general assembly vote
Core members also participate in workgroups and attend IAMTS events at no charge
Base Members
Base members fall into one of two categories; Non-Profit or For-Profit and are eligible to participate in workgroups, study groups and projects.
Base members do not have a vote at general assemblies but may attend IAMTS events at no charge
Academic Members
Selected universities by invitation and discretion of the IAMTS Board and are eligible to participate in workgroups, study groups and projects.
Academic members do not have a vote at general assemblies but may attend IAMTS events at no charge
Junior Members
Start-up’s and small businesses typically a staff less than 10 staff and revenue less than EUR 1 million. Enables participation in workgroups and attendance at IAMTS at no charge
Junior members do not have a vote at general assemblies but may attend IAMTS events at no charge
Non-Profit Partners
If the statutes of a Non-Profit organization forbid the payment of an Annual Fee, they can be invited by the IAMTS Board to be a Partner of IAMTS at any of the defined levels (Strategic, Core, etc) through in-kind contributions. The in-kind contribution of a non-profit Partner is expected to be significant and correspond to the Partnership Level.
Non-Profit Partners do not have a vote at general assemblies but may attend IAMTS events at no charge
Workgroups, Study Groups and Projects
IAMTS accomplishes its goals through workgroups, study groups and projects. These are some of our current initiatives...
IAMTS is a Global nonprofit association headquartered in Vienna, Austria. IAMTS aims to contribute to the Automotive Industry by providing a database of testbeds as well as testing framework and standards to validate CAVs for public use.
IAMTS | International Alliance for Mobility Testing and Standardization © 2023. All rights reserved.