Compliance for Automated Vehicles Over Time
Compliance for Automated Vehicles Over Time
Discussion of the WG5 White Paper Key Topics - April 26, 2023
IAMTS WG 5 CAV LifeCycle Compliance
Richard Goebelt – TÜV Verband and David Petanjek – AVL DiTEST
12:30 p.m. Welcome
Prof. Dr. Joachim Taiber, Managing Director IAMTS
12:40 p.m. Introduction and overview of the White Paper “Assuring regulatory compliance”
Richard Goebelt, Co-Lead IAMTS WG 5 Life Cycle Compliance, TÜV-Verband
12:50 p.m. Managing the increasing complexity of ADS with Software Updates
Thomas Quernheim, Global Director Engineering & Automotive, TÜV Rheinland AG
1:10 p.m. Consideration of applicable compliance testing methodologies
David Petanjek, Co-Lead IAMTS WG 5 Life Cycle Compliance, AVL DiTest
1:30 p.m. Reflections by the stakeholder community (panel)
Gerhard Müller, President of CITA Richard Damm, President of the Federal Motor Transport Authority (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt) & Chairman of UNECE Working Group GRVA Thomas Quernheim, Global Director Engineering & Automotive, TÜV Rheinland AG Sebastian Siegl, Audi AG (to be confirmed)
2:00 p. m. Questions from the audience
2:25 p. m. Wrap-Up & Farewell
Prof. Dr. Joachim Taiber, Managing Director IAMTS
Scope and Key Observations of the White Paper Vehicle Compliance
- Great need for all automotive stakeholders to work together to create guiding principles and standardized tests for the entire life cycle of CAVs - to gain social acceptance and trust
- Lack of global harmonization of standards, regulations and approaches regarding testing and evaluation methods for CAVs in service (US-EU-CHINA)
- Recommendations for what tests should be conducted and how they should be conducted for CAVs in service over lifecycle (ensuring ADAS/AD functionality and testing efficiency)
- Need to a harmonized categorization and risk-based handling of software-updates of CAVs in service
- High potential of V2X technology that will enable a vehicle to communicate with appropriately equipped vehicles, traffic signals, road signs etc. – establishing of standards and investments in infrastructure are key success factors
- Lack of availability of safety-relevant vehicle, ADAS/AD and infrastructure data for third parties for performing appropriate compliance test (risk of international data regulation patchwork)
- Continuous security assessments over the whole life-cycle of CAVs
Key Questions of the webinar
- What are the guiding principles for proving the operational safety and regulatory compliance of CAVs throughout the entire cycle in real-world operation?
- How can cooperation among the entire automotive sector, from OEM to supplier start-up companies, be achieved to define standardized testing methods for a whole life compliance approach of CAVs?
- Consideration of the impact and challenges caused by software-updates in the vehicle‘s life-cylce.